The transformation you've been looking for

How do you overcome what's holding you back? By questioning everything you think you know about yourself. Our signature program dives into deep exploration of who you are to create the life you truly desire...and the person you've been designed to become.

What do you think your life could look like in 3 months?

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Completely transform everything you know about yourself in 90 days

The design of the 90-Day Mindset Makeover

How is the year going for you? Have you been feeling a little scattered, questioning your direction? Questioning your knowledge and purpose in the world? Having mixed feelings between counting your time away, hoping the next month comes fast but not sure where the last six months went? If you want to take ownership of your life and are ready to commit to discovering your absolute Best Life Ever, The 90-Day Mindset Makeover is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

What if we told you that your life could be completely different in three months? What would you change? What would you want to be different?

​Would you believe us if we told you that you have the complete power to change your life? You only have to do one thing first.

You simply have to change your mind.

Change your mind, change your life! Your thoughts create your future. You, right now, in this exact moment that you are reading this was created by the thoughts you thought in your past.

How it works

Let’s first figure out what beliefs are in your mind. We’ll keep the ones you like and work on changing the ones you don’t like. How? The following three foundations have led Phoenix 8 to coach thousands of people into a healthy, positive mindset to create their Best Life Ever while learning to love themselves along the whole journey. 

The Law of Attraction

Basically, the energy you put out is the energy that you get back.

The Enneagram

The personality test that tells you why you do the things you do.


Being aware of the thoughts inside of your head. (And not identifying as them.)

Basically, we help you stop trying to control your life by learning how to create it instead. How? By helping you stop thinking about what you don’t want, and instead focus on what you DO want.

A common question...

“Isn’t life coaching basically just helping me achieve my goals?”

Yes and no. Yes, goals are important. Action is important. But no, it’s not the starting point. 

If you are consumed in incessant action, do not take one more step. Not one! That's how you become exhausted spinning in circles.

Let’s back it up. Before you make one move, you have to question, analyze, and rewire your beliefs.

It’s not what you’re doing wrong. It’s what you’re thinking wrong. Lots of people hop right into action, and this is a huge mistake. You start towards a goal and it maybe lasts for 3 weeks. Then you “fail.” And then you feel bad about yourself and have no motivation to start back up. “What’s wrong with me?!”

Your thinking. More importantly, your beliefs. It’s your beliefs that fuel the potential that you tap into. From there, actions are taken and results occur.

Only when you align your thoughts, words, actions and energy can true, outrageous, and remarkable transformation can occur.

Request your free consult

Your commitment

The 90-Day Mindset Makeover is designed to create positivity from the inside out so you can experience personal and professional development & growth, self-awareness, non-judgment, and open-mindedness to challenge and change.

​The Enneagram is a personality test serving as the foundation for spiritual growth, bringing awareness to habits, fears, and beliefs - and why these all ring true for you. By understanding the why, you can begin to be aware of your hurdles and create healing pathways to overcome them.

Our unique approach allows you to synergistically identify and break down fears, habits, patterns, and triggers that would keep you from success. The best part? We replace them with healthy self-awareness, new habits, and positive beliefs and self-talk along with an action plan to achieve your potential and what you know, deep down, to be your true purpose.



Your commitment

The 90-Day Mindset Makeover

  • Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions
  • Weekly coaching videos
  • Journal work
  • Small daily tasks
  • Approximately 2 hours of your time per week
  • Flexibility guaranteed
  • Accountability guaranteed

Due to the nature of this coaching course, The 90-Day Mindset Makeover is only offered after application and interview.

This program works. It just works.

And it only works if you are willing to commit to your growth. We want to ensure this is the best fit for you at this moment in time. When you request a consult, one of our coaches will send a short form and reach out to schedule a brief Discovery call if it appears to be the perfect next step for you. If it's not, we commit to being honest and to recommending the best route for you to take.

Ready to find out who you'll be in three months? We can't wait to see.

Request your free consult

Transformation Testimonials


Justine V.

"Going through this program, it's been life-changing... I'm in a completely different place."

Christine C.

"I was forced to look at myself differently. It gives you the tools you can really use in your real world."


Don't take it from us...

Take it from the hundreds of people who have benefited from our unique methodology.

Sajiah C.

"This was an absolute game changer for me personally and professionally. I’ve been a top performer and have worked with many personal coaches and had mentors before. My coach understood how to help me one-on-one, and through the 90-Day Mindset Makeover, break through some barriers I had that could have stopped some next-level success. Totally different perspective than other coaches I’ve had."

Lori C.

"The 90-Day Mindset Makeover helped me get from zero to 100% in putting me on the path to achieve the life I desire! My manifestation abilities have increased significantly, and I am now living a life of joy after coming out of a long period of sadness after many personal losses. I do believe anything is possible with the right mindset and you can live your best life ever! I highly recommend the 90-Day Mindset Makeover!"

Shannon N.

"The 90-Day Mindset Makeover Coaching Program was just what I needed to help me during a time of my life where I was going through a lot of change. The program includes weekly practices, mantras, and videos that were easy to follow along with and digest -- these overall helped me learn a lot about myself, and I learned how to better manage some life stressors that are inevitable. To this day, I still continue to practice the lessons I've learned from the program because they were life changing!"

Amy M.

"I cannot say enough good things about my coaching experience. The knowledge and tools I learned throughout the process were/are invaluable and since I've completed the program, I will always have access to them. I started this program at the VERY beginning of my business journey and this helped me get started on the exact right foot. So even if you don't have a ton of experience to bring to the table, that's ok, this is definitely still applicable. It's a lot of work (which is good!), but it's so worth it - the results will be huge! 10/10 totally recommend!"

Inquire here

The 90-Day Mindset Makeover is available via interview and application only. Request your complimentary consult here and we will happily reach out to you within 48 hours.