The Enneagram
The most spot-on personality test you will ever take.
Get your Enneagram test and learn more about your type when you grab The Enneagram Audio Experience: An 8-Day Email Course packed with podcast episodes and resources for each type.Ā The best part? They're absolutely free!
What is the Enneagram?
The Enneagram is a personality typing system that classifies people into nine types based on how they relate to the world and manage their emotions.
Each type has a set of motivators (your core fear and your core desire) and a superego message that basically says, "You are lovable IF..."
Each type is interconnected, and the system explores how people can move towards healthier or less healthy expressions of their type.
We use the Enneagram as a helpful coaching tool to understand you...and to help you understand yourself!
GetĀ your Enneagram freebies!
Not sure what type you are?Ā Get your free test sent right to your inbox! Know your type? Gain access to the Enneagram Audio Experience: The 8-Day Email Course packed with podcast episodes specifically for your type!
AndiĀ M.
"This was quite eye-opening. IĀ just thought I was an overthinker. Understanding the reason behind my thoughts helped my mind slow down."
Heather S.
"The Enneagram helped meĀ and my partner understand each other so much better. No more arguing over little things anymore. We're fluorishing!"
Justine V.
"I honestly had no idea how much my personality was affecting my business decisions! Finding out my Enneagram helped my business so much."