$1,800.00 USD

*By submitting this payment, you understand the total payment includes a $500 non-fundable deposit portion. If you decide to cancel your trip, we cannot refund your deposit. Remaining payments not including the deposit are refundable if you cancel before June 26, 2024. All cancellations after June 26, 2024 are not able to be refunded. If you choose the AfterPay option, all remaining funds will be returned to you minus the $500 deposit if you cancel prior to June 26, 2024. If you choose the AfterPay option, you will only be charged the monthly payment at checkout. By submitting this payment, you understand all of the above.

Solo Room - Queen Bed

Enjoy a room with a queen bed all to yourself.

What you'll get July 26-29, 2024:

  • 4-day/3-night stay in your own room with a queen bed
  • All food and beverages
  • All life coaching included
  • All activities
  • An opportunity for growth
  • New friends!

*By submitting this payment, you understand the total payment includes a $500 non-fundable deposit portion. If you decide to cancel your trip, we cannot refund your deposit. Remaining payments not including the deposit are refundable if you cancel before June 26, 2024. All cancellations after June 26, 2024 are not able to be refunded. If you choose the AfterPay option, all remaining funds will be returned to you minus the $500 deposit if you cancel prior to June 26, 2024. If you choose the AfterPay option, you will only be charged the monthly payment at checkout. By submitting this payment, you understand all of the above.